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Property and Major Projects Committee Agenda

Friday 16 July 2004 at 9.30am in the No 2 Committee Room, Civic Offices

Committee: Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman), The Mayor, Mr Garry Moore,
Councillors Barry Corbett, Alister James, Lesley Keast, Denis O'Rourke, Gail Sheriff, Barbara Stewart and Norm Withers.
Principal Adviser: Ian Hay, Telephone: 941 8474, Fax: 941 8572
Committee Secretary: Clare Sullivan, Telephone: 941 8085, Fax: 941 8696

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part C   1 Apologies
Part B   2 Deputations by Appointment
Part B   3 Council Seminar - Civic Offices Accommodation
Part C   4 Resolution to Exclude the Public
Part A   5 Public Excluded – Turners and Growers – Evaluation of Development Proposals


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